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Lake Mashu

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霧の摩周湖  Fog Lake Mashu

Lake Mashu is the thick fog. Mashu the "fog of Lake Mashu"is said to slow down a beautiful marriageable age Mashu Raretara see more fog-free enough to be called fog.

It is often just around the Lake Mashu is also covered in mist on a sunny day.

晴天の摩周湖   Mashu sunny day

I could see clear sky Mashu lucky "lucky. There is a good meeting, " and rejoice.

Lake Mashu is one of Japan's most highly transparent in the world boasts the second largest followed by the transparency of Lake Baikal in Russia. 
摩周湖の最大水深は211mもあり展望台から見ると吸い込まれそうな錯覚に陥ります。 Lake Mashu is the maximum depth of 211m fall into the illusion seems to be partly drawn from the observation deck to see.
摩周湖の湖面は濃い青色をしています。 The lake has a deep blue Lake Mashu.

冬の摩周湖   Winter Lake Mashu
冬の摩周湖周辺は晴天率も高いですが防寒対策を。 Winter Around the Lake Mashu is prudent measures against cold weather high rate.
冬でも展望台までは除雪されており車で気軽に来ることが出来ます。 Lake Mashu in winter to the observation deck can feel free to come by car are plowing.

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